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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A man named Prosper

I got an email from my host family last night. Frédéric and his wife Mathilde have generiously offered to share their home with me while I'm in Dijon. I first made contact with them a few months ago when I first decided to go to France. I'm involved with the Girl Guides of Canada, and I sent an email through International Scouts and Guides explaining my situation and asking if anyone wanted to lodge an international student for 4 1/2 months. Frédéric got back to me almost immediately! We've been chatting for a while through email, and I got the opportunity to call him a little while ago. He's in charge of a few Scout groups over there, so I get to volunteer and go camping quite a lot while I'm there. He has generously offered to arrange my trip from Paris to Dijon, as train tickets are apparently difficult to get over here.

Originally, he was going to mail me the ticket, but I bought my plane tickets fairly late (Boxing Day). So Frédéric sent me an email to let me know that he has a friend who lives just outside Paris and will give me my ticket when I land. His name is Prosper. He's from Cameroon, and is apparently quite large and black. I feel like a spy going to meet her contact in some far-off land. "Rendez-vous with Prosper at the aéroport. He will wear a red carnation in his lapel and will greet you with the code 'The albatross flies at midnight'. Your reply will be 'The jam is mouldy in the kitchen'." Ha. I'm taking this as a good omen, though. I get to meet Prosper as soon as I land. Maybe my trip will be prosperous too. Only time will tell.  I fly out in just under 2 weeks. I should get packing.

À bientôt!

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